Carnaval San Francisco Tlacuilohcan 2008 - Foto

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It takes place on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday preceding Ash Wednesday

Remove their earrings and organize your family, since it is only a few days to move to more traditional carnival of Mexico, is one of the states most economical and attractive in our country: Tlaxcala.

Enjoy carnival! Or "dismissal of the feast of meat" celebration of indigenous origin, whose wealth in music, singing, costumes and popular dances are presented with the strictest adherence to the customs and traditions of the people appear to to unleash their joy, with the characteristic imposed by the region of the state.

But it is not only fun and dances, which also serves to feast through the strengthening social relations and customs of the community, because it requires for its realization on the volunteer work of men, women, children, some involved in the organization, others seeking cooperation from house to house to pay for music, conducting some more tests, women embroidering costumes and those responsible for providing the meals at breakfast or the dancers prepare the mole and tamales.

The carnival dances are performed by a group of dancers called "huehues", which are conducted in the state of Tlaxcala, choreography are different from other country.


This is the name usually given to dancing carnival and "litter" is the group of dancers.

| Por ISRAEL ESTRADA| 27-3-2008 | 11:15:29 AM |

One of the most beautiful artistic expression, rooted in the state of Tlaxcala (Mexico) is the conclusion of the carnival. The strategy is characterized by the implementation of different dances Nahua indigenous origin. Much of the population of the State organizes the festival according to the customs of each region.

Huehue of Tlacuilohcan. The carnival was introduced in Tlaxcala by the Spanish colonizers, approximately, from the seventeenth century. In fact, in 1699 the then governor of the province, the Duke of San Roman, issued an Order in which prohibited the dancers mock local personalities and ordered that the edict was pregonara in Spanish and Nahuatl. This document is at the offices of the Historical Archives of Tlaxcala.

The dances and music of carnival were created by the indigenous tlaxcaltecas from assimilation that made the dances and music of Spain arrived between the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Since then they have been modified and adapted by interpreters, trying not to disrupt a lot of their original character.

In communities where they are interpreted these dances, people considered their main symbol of ethnic and cultural identity. So through them express their vision of their own history and the world. That is why the carnival is so important to them, such as Easter, Christmas, the day of death and patronal feast.

Features choreographic

The dances are, in most cases, the type of gangs and provide them knows, having gangs of various types. The dancers, pairs of men and women, forming a square or rectangle within which conducted various evolutions, or are placed in parallel rows, one for men and another for women, being in front of each other. It should be added that the groups of dancers are known generally as litters and members, as huehues (Nahuatl word that translates as old). While some receive specific names according to their clothing.

The music of almost every dance is performed by bands of wind instruments and drums; is also common to replace keyboards, batteries and low power. But some have different instrumentation.

| Por ISRAEL ESTRADA| 27-3-2008 | 11:18:26 AM |

Extraño estar estar haya y seguir bailando hola soy Luis el badajo

| Por Luis hernandez| 3-9-2011 | 01:26:53 AM |

Me saludas a los apóstoles att badajo

| Por Luis hernandez| 3-9-2011 | 01:31:26 AM |
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